Now if there's any one movie that I will be looking forward to in the next few years it's the two part film adaptation of The Hobbit, I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan (although, admittedly, Star Wars was always my primary nerd obsession of choice, but that's beside the point). I loved The Lord of The Rings, I read the books, watched the movies, looked up the history, did it all, but I'd always thought that The Hobbit was the best of the books (and many LOTR fans may disagree with that statement). Now, after years of rumors, they are finally and definitely making a Hobbit movie, and guess what, none other than Peter Jackson himself is coming back to direct. I'm psyched, and THIS..., just makes me that much more excited! To add yet ANOTHER rung to my ladder of excitement, Martin Freeman will be playing the roll of young Bilbo... AWESOME! If you don't know Martin Freeman, he played Tim Canterbury in the British Office, (another thing I'm a HUGE fan of) and Arthur Dent in the movie adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy (yet another thing I enjoy). So to know that he's playing Bilbo just makes me happy... also, Ian McKellen is returning as Gandalf, Andy Serkis is coming back as Gollum, Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood and Christopher Lee are reprising their roles and they are in negotiations with Hugo Weaving and Ian Holm to come back as Elrond and Older Bilbo (respectively). Part one is planned to be released in 2012 and part two will be released in 2013 and I'll be there to see it.
But ANYWAY, enough with my excitement... I WOULD give you more information about the book or The Lord of The Rings in general, but you should either read the books or at LEAST watch the movies. I'll be there, first in line to see this new two part adaptation and I hope that I'll see you guys there too, and if you're a huge LOTR fan like me, you're welcome for the info (if you haven't already looked all this stuff up anyway). In other news, I'm totally swamped with work right now so my next few posts will probably all be very short and very few (if I'll be able to fit in any at all). This sucks cuz not only do I have to put off my blog, I also have to put off the writing of a script for my first short film (hopefully will be made shortly with the help of my friends). If I don't see you sooner I'll see you later... keep a look out for more posts, hopefully they won't take to long. Buh-bye.
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