Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Fourth Act-- Untitled Comic Book Movies Reboot

Since my previous post was put up late, I've decided to keep with the same subject (I realize I have more to say). Yesterday (or today technically) I made reference to some things I want to touch on more. I mentioned the importance of the Spiderman franchise and how it caused this resurgence in the superhero movie, but now I want to talk about the importance of The Dark Knight. I think it's safe to say that the Batman series of the 80s and 90s left a bad taste in our mouths (being some of the worst movies ever, at least in my opinion). It was time for a redo, especially during a time when superhero movies were becoming more popular. What we got with Batman Begins, however, was quite spectacular. A gritty, adult, real world retelling of the Batman story... It didn't totally follow the comic but it did a hell of a better job than the Tim Burton film. It was believable, it had an edge (no Mr Freeze "cold" puns), Batman wore body armor and drove a tank, the villains were actually psychotic and not just retarded (see Mr Freeze reference), it just worked. Then came The Dark Knight... Not only did we get a good, gritty and believable story, we got a wonderfully twisted Joker and probably the best acting in a superhero film (and it's definitely not Christian Bale).

The movie was far from perfect, the dialogue is a bit corny (it IS a superhero movie after-all), the acting was poor, at least from Bale (he was good in The Fighter, but then again he was born to play a crack addict). However, what was so impressive about this film was that it really made everyone else in the comic movie community realize how bad their movies sucked.

This brings me to my point, The Dark Knight brought about the sudden surge in franchise reboots. Everyone's doing it, movies that aren't too old, like Spiderman or The X-Men are ALREADY getting a redo, Superman is on his second reboot attempt now, everyone wants their superheros gritty and real, just like Batman... All of the new superhero movies to come will probably be darker and grittier, that's just the influence of this movie... It's changing the way movies like it are done, and it's making people rethink the comic-based "mistakes" they've made in the past... I wouldn't be surprised to see every franchise rebooted a few times, people wanna remake things that will make them money, and doing a superhero movie like The Dark Knight will...

But anyway... Sorry for making today so short, I'll see you all next time.