Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Seventh Sense-- Because You Care

Howdy everyone... sorry I wasn't able to do another post yesterday, but I shall make it up today, and discuss a lot of things, including some more personal things and ambitions because I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do lately (and also I know you care SO much).

Alright, first on the agenda... apparently Ingmar Bergman is going to be on the banknotes of Sweden, that's pretty sweet (if you don't know Bergman, check out The Seventh Seal or The Magician... or better yet ALL of his movies), that's quite an honor and I personally think it's cool of Sweden to put important figures (who aren't just leaders of the country) on their money (what do YOU think America?)... but here's a bit more on it...

Secondly, for me personally (if I can one day become a filmmaker) I want to tell good stories, the stories (real or imaginary) that really make people think, that can really make people feel.  I'd love to write my own films (but I'm not sure I'm a good enough writer)...  One story I've been thinking of lately that I'd like to do eventually is the story of the Young Bosnians at the start of WWI, perhaps telling the story of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (it's a story that I always picture in film when I hear it).  One thing I always picture (especially when I'm out in secluded areas in nature) is how I'd love to make a really good modern western film... I mean, what do YOU think when you see a scene like this?   (ignore the road)

When I see this I think of what it'd be like in the 1800s, when there were fewer people.

Anyway... there are a LOT of things I wanna do some day, I wanna make all of these movies and I'd love to do something really trippy and surreal also, something that's like a major acid trip, or a dream.  Or, at some time, a documentary.  There are so many great stories out there and I'd love to tell them all.  However, I AM the kind of guy who would take ANY job in film, just to be doing what I'm passionate about (teaching film would be awesome too).

On to the next subject (because I don't wanna bore you)...  I'm going to go onto my next topic...
The importance of film, this is a wide and opinion based topic I know, but I'm gonna try it anyway...  Film is a very important art form (and if you say it's not art, you're wrong, I'm sorry) perhaps the most important modern art form.  It is both effected by and effects culture and can communicate any literal or abstract idea the creator or audience chooses.    Film is a great way to see what was going on in society at any given time, because it reflects things.  A crime film, for example, will reflect the thoughts and feelings of the people they're portraying while trying to teach people about things, maybe there are reasons for the people to commit these crimes.  It can be used to teach people, to guide people, to change things to show people many different sides of an issue or just life in general, maybe things they've never seen or thought about.  Film is one of the most important and moving art forms (at least when done right) and I'd feel so lucky to be involved in it.

Anyway, I'm gonna finish it up with some recommendations for all of you, these are some of my favorite films and they deserve to be seen (if you haven't already seen them)...
Donnie Darko, this is one of my favorite films ever, it's odd, it's deep, it's suspense and horror and everything... I'm not sure why but I got lost in it, it's a good film.  127 Hours, True Grit, and Black Swan, The Big Leboswki, Synecdoche, New York, all I've already talked about.  Persepolis, and animated film about an Iraqi girl who goes to France during the Iraqi civil war (and a very good comic adaptation too).  Citizen Kane, a classic in American cinema and a film I will DEFINITELY talk about in a post to come.  Repo! The Genetic Opera, a low budget horror musical about a company that repossesses organs.  There Will Be Blood, Harold and Maude, The Departed, No Country for Old Men, A Beautiful Mind, Army of Darkness and Into the Wild.  Freaks, a movie that, for a long time, was outlawed for it's disturbing images of real physically deformed people and horror.

Sorry about another short one (but I'm feeling a bit lazy today), I promise more to come but here's some good stuff to tie you over...

Hasta La Vista!


  1. Once again sir I say, "Good job". Maybe I'm just a creep, but I really liked this posting, my favorite so far probably. The personal side was nice. I like your view on why film is important. Very interesting. Also with your list of film recommendations, it's obvious you're a man after my own heart (That ended up sounding much gayer than I had hoped. Oh well.)

    Excellent job once again D. James
