Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Thirty-ninth Cabbage-- Lock, Stock and Barrel

Here Harry Potter fans! This is fun!

Here weed fans! This is fun!

Okay, so this blog post, this blog post, this blog post!! I dunno what the fucking shitty ass cunt balls I'm going to talk about but let me say that I have become (as everyone has appeared to) quite enthralled by OFWGKTA.  If you don't know what that is, it's a demented hip hop collective that stands for Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All. They include new underground rap artists like Tyler The Creator, MellowHype, Earl Sweatshirt and Frank Ocean. I'm not sure why they intrigue me so much, a lot of their lyrics are just horrible and offensive, but there's humor in it and maybe that's what I like, taking disturbed and demented things to a comedic level. Anyway, check it out, you might like it, I'll link some videos...

Now on to some stuff!

Alright, next, let's talk about film, but not film as in the art form of movie making but film as in film stock or the literal series of pictures that makes up a movie (before everything went digital).  Hope you're excited!  Good old fashioned film stock is made of celluloid, which is a type of plastic, and this is more permanent than the thin paper film that movies started out on.  Early on all film stock was also nitrate based and highly highly flammable and the fires were incredibly hard to put out.  As you all know films started as black and white endeavors with no sound, eventually sound was added and then eventually color was added also.  The first attempt with color film was Kinemacolor which lasted from 1908 to 1914 and was achieved by showing a black and white film behind alternating red and cyan frames.  Next was Technicolor (which is much more well known) and was used from 1916 to 1952, this was a lot more complex and allowed for much more color and actually evolved four times over it's existence.
There are different formats for film stock, 8mm, this film stock is 8mm wide and there are two versions of it, standard 8mm and Super 8.  Standard 8 came out during the Great Depression and was produced as a cheaper way of making home movies (Kodak stopped producing standard 8 film in the early 1990s).  Super 8 was released in 1965 and became popular with amateur film makers because it was easier to use and had better picture quality than standard 8.
There was a 9.5mm film that was primarily meant to be cheap for home users and a way to recreate popular films for home viewing, however, it was damaged easily due to it's perforation and not very popular.
One of the most popular formats was 16mm.  It was also was intended for home use and was also used to rent popular movies for home viewing.  However, some movies were filmed on 16mm and a lot of TV shows and educational videos were shot in this format.  Just like 8mm film, 16mm came in a larger form called Super 16, it only had one sided perforation in order to have a wider screen area.
For a very very short time there was a 28mm format, however, it didn't last.
35mm film stock was the most common format for motion pictures.  There are many many forms of 35mm stock including a 3 perforation form and Super 35.  35mm stock is still used today as the most common format for major motion pictures.
The last common gauge for film stock is 70mm/65mm.  Now, the reason there are two here is that the films are filmed on 65 and then printed on 70 to be projected.  The 70mm print is for wide, high resolution films and has a very wide aspect ratio, it's usually used for grandiose and intense films that would look good in an IMAX or anything with a large aspect ratio (a lot of Spiderman 2 was shot in this format).
IMAX is another format and it's just 70mm film on it's side to create an extremely wide view.
The rest is all digital and shit and I don't wish to get into that (even though it's the way of the future), but maybe I will at a later date.

Now that you have all of that information, I'm going to switch gears.
So, as I've mentioned before, I am Winter Chairs.
I have also finished my LP called Meet The Cactus, so if you would be interested in that let me know or give me an email and I can give it to you, it comes with a coloring book! (all pages being hand drawn).
Here's a preview from the coloring book...

Real quick, my recommendations for tonight are as follows... Movie, it's Repo! The Genetic Opera, it's a musical rock opera about a company that takes over the world and loans out organs to people but also repossesses them if the people can't make their payments.  For my album, I'm going to go with... Mines by Menomena, it's such a great album and a great continuation of Menomena's series of albums.

Anyway, I shall bid you adieu, Tah!

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