Friday, July 29, 2011

The Forty-second Flail-- AWESOME!

So, this is gonna be a shorty... BUUUUTTT, The Hobbit has photos! AND I'm excited like a motherfucker! If you wanna see The Hobbit like I wanna see The Hobbit, you'll be psyched.  ANYWAY, I know I've mentioned it, but it's awesome that Martin Freeman is playing Bilbo... on to the photos, most are on IMDb.



Anyway, there we go, a ton of photos and there are more here...

Recommendations now...
Album is Oh, Inverted World by The Shins and my film is Moon (2009) which is about an astronaut, played by Sam Rockwell, who is stationed on the Moon, waiting to go home and going crazy, it's a pretty good film.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to anyone who has a birthday today and check you later.

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