Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Fortieth Drum-- The Ocean is 6 Miles Deep: A Review

Recently, my wonderful girlfriend and I went to see the film Submarine. Which is a film about a young boy who struggles between his love of his girlfriend and his desire to prevent his parents from splitting. This eventually leads to the choice he must make of attempting to save his parents marriage or being there for the girl he loves. Now... You may be thinking, "oh god, this sounds like such a fucking lame and generic love story, this is just gonna be terrible!". Well my fine feathered friends, you are WRONG!! The movie is a wonderful piece of indie cinema and a lot more than just a lame recycled story. Submarine is executed very cleverly from it's dry, quirky, dead pan humor to it's odd and intriguing characters.

Oliver Tate alone is a wonderful character full of odd humor, he is the center of a cast of brilliant and unique characters that make up the Wales of Submarine.  For starters, Oliver is 15 and much too concerned in the sensual "goings on" of his parents because he is so consumed by their possible splitting, next, he's equally concerned about his own loss of virginity.  He eventually wants to become a good boyfriend with the girl he falls in love with but ultimately abandons this for his concern for his parents.  In spite of this fact, he also refers to his relationship in terms of the sex (example, him saying that he might as well tell his girlfriend things because they had sex).  Another character in the film is Jordana, who is Oliver's eventual girlfriend.  She begins the film as a misunderstood and slightly sadistic outcast that has no intention of falling for Oliver.  Their relationship starts as a revenge plot but, upon the sweet things Oliver does, ends up deepening to mutual admiration.  Jordana even abandons her more questionable tendencies (such as burning Oliver's leg hair off) for a more sincere need to be comforted over her family problems.  Another quirky character in the film is Oliver's father, who is a severely depressed marine biologist.  Oliver's father adds a very very dry level of humor to the film (and the repeated line that the ocean is 6 feet deep), his depression comes off very humorous and you can't help but sympathize and overlook his many flaws.  Oliver's mother is another character, a woman who appears to relish her previous life, she eventually befriends one of her ex-lovers.  The final odd character is Oliver's Mom's ex-lover Graham (who Oliver repeatedly calls a "ninja" and a "mystic").  Graham is a motivational speaker who talks about light and color and has many many odd habits (his character is similar to Patrick Swayze's character in Donnie Darko).  Overall the film had a great and unique cast of characters that filled the odd world.

The film is very genuine, very sincere and on top of all of the absurdity and odd humor, it has a lot of heart.  It's great coming-of-age story with the twist of Oliver attempting to save his parent's marriage. Really the film is delightful and one of the better movies I've seen recently, I think you should go see it if you like how it sounds.

Now for my recommendations, first off, for my album I'm choosing Vision Creation Newsun by Boredoms, it's a great piece of Japanese noise music that branches into absent, drone, minimalism and tribal drumming. On top of that, all of the song titles are symbols (which I personally enjoy). For my film recommendation, I'll say Persepolis, it's an animated film about a young Iraqi girl who gets sent to France due to the civil war in Iraq, and the struggles she faces fitting in, don't let the plot fool you, it's a great film.

Lastly, a bit of personl stuff. I mentioned how I was going to go to Lincoln for college, well due to budget restraints, that's not going to happen now. I won't be attending college for a whole year now and when I do finally go back, I may end up at Iowa. Anyway, that's a little about where I am right now, have a good one.

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