Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Thirty-third Forest (can you tell I'm running out of ideas?)-- Just Another One of Those Things I Guess...

Alright, before I really start in on this here post, I'm going to start with what I said I would do from now on in my last post.  Daily album and movie recommendations!! (get excited!).  My film for all of you to watch would be American History X by Tony Kaye, it's about a former skinhead who gets sent to jail for killing a black guy.  He gets released to help the police shut down the skinheads he was once part of and to help his little brother who is becoming like he used to be.  It's an excellent film, Edward Norton's role is superb, and it's really a film I should talk more about, AND I WILL! (but not now).  My album recommendation today would be Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer? by of Montreal.  It's pretty crazy, flamboyant electro-pop.  of Montreal are always a joy to watch and their music is just strange.  It's been a while but it is worth listening to for sure.

Okay, so, my initial plans was to do this post on Jimmy Stuart, one of the greatest actors of the golden age of Hollywood. However, I've become uninterested and just plain too busy for this blog so I'll not be doing that. Instead I think I'll end it here (because I'm typing on an iPod, annoying), and say adios for a while. It was nice knowing you, we had a good run and maybe I'll be back soon, who's to say? (in fact, chances are I'll be writing a new post within a week), but until next time, keeping doin what you love and lovin what you do.

You stay classy... Planet Earth!

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