Monday, June 13, 2011

The Thirty-second Cut-- Give The Psycho Some Rope

So, I started a post on Jimmy Stuart that is yet to come, but since it's been a little bit since my previous post (due to my summer courses and getting my next college steps set up), I'm just gonna sneak in another...

So how have you guys been? Good? How's your mother? How's work going?

I want to discuss the flooding on the Missouri real quick, I live in Iowa and it's getting almost frightening how high the river is getting.  My thoughts go out to all of the families and farmers who lost their homes and land to the flood also.  Really if you can, help out, people need it, animals need it, things are getting bad and with one of the levees being breached and more rain on the way, it'll just get worse.  My girlfriend, Samantha and I took a few pictures of the flooding...
If you're not already, keep up on the flooding, who knows how bad it'll get.

Today I'm going to talk about something... what is it you ask? It's a few films! A film starring Jimmy Stuart! and another.

The films are Rope (1948) and Psycho (1960) by Alfred Hitchcock.  I'm going to talk about these films because they are two good films by a man who was extremely influential to the innovation of film making.  A director who changed how things were done.

Rope is about two upper class kids who murder one of their friends then have a dinner party at his apartment while his dead body is stuffed in a chest.  The film is actually really good (and if it doesn't sound like your thing, give it a shot).  Jimmy Stuart's role in the film is great, the icing on the cake, he plays a very intelligent man who eventually catches on to the fact that something isn't right, and is played excellently.  The film uses a lot of unorthodox techniques such as zooming in on a character's back to switch takes, in an attempt to appear flawless (the goal of the film was to be one long take).  In other words the film is good, the rest of the characters may not be acted well (some of the female's voices are laughable, and the killers' reactions  are ridiculous), Jimmy Stuart, however, is really good (like usual).  ANYWAY, if you dig on some Hitchcock, check this one out.

File:Bates Motel.jpgNext is Psycho.  The film about the mysterious murders at the Bates Motel.  I will not ruin the ending for you, but this one is worth the watch without a doubt.  Anthony Perkins, who plays Norman Bates does a stupendous job with his role.  It's one of the most classic Hitchcock films for a reason.  I don't know what else I can really say about the film Psycho (at least not without revealing too much, but you probably know the whole film anyway).  Even if you have not seen the film or know anything about it at all, you probably know the shower scene, one of the most iconic movie scenes ever., Watch the film though.

Anyway, I know it's another short one, but my heart just hasn't been in it, dunno why, I'm sorry to everyone... but here are a few more flood photos to think about...

OH OH! and for my album and movie recommendations are Take Me to Your Leader by King Geedorah, which is a hip hop album by MF Doom (under the name King Geedorah), that uses samples from Japanese shows and older TV shows.  My film recommendation is There Will Be Blood, the film about oil men in Texas, the film is pretty brutal and by the ned of it you will be very frustrated, however, it's a wonderful film (and scored by Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead), so go watch that now!

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