Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Thirty-first Scrimmage-- Pointless?

I'm going to be vain in this post for a second and give you some more information about myself (not personal information though, not too much at least), why am I doing this? because I'm excited right now and I wanna share some things!  I'll probably also include some other random things so consider this my next random topic post, sound good?

Now, as I included in one or two of my previous posts, my friend has started an artist collective called .  Now, what I don't believe I included is MY place in this group, well, I'm a bit of a musician (a very small bit) and record under the name Winter Chairs.  Now, you're probably thinking, "so what, why do I give a fuck about this dumb ass's life and what he does and all that shit, I came here for some mother fucking film and I demand no less!! DAMN HIM!!!" well hold on sir, I'll have some film for you momentarily (scout's honor), I'm just getting excited about what I'm doing in this group and I want to share things with you, you mean, ungrateful bastards.  ANYWAY... as an   Well, not only does The Frosty Seats (yeah, I'm gonna keep changing my band name), have an EP ready, called B.Y.O.B (don't laugh at me), but a full length LP about done called Meet The Cactus.  I'm also planning a concept LP based on characters, with every song tell one character's story AND an LP full of poor recordings and demos of songs that I've either forgotten or don't want to rerecord and do better for an actual LP.  None of that is what I'm excited about though!  What I'm truly excited about is my musical project that will include a good amount of artists (I hope) called The Darwin Project.  What is this you ask?  Well my good sir, it is a sample (a simple sample), that I have created that I'm sending out to the musical artists.  The trick of the project is that the artist must use the sample, unaltered, at least once in a song.  After that they can either change it however they would like, or not use it again (sounds fun huuh?).  Well, I suppose it's my way of working with people, indirectly of course.  Why did I choose the title The Darwin Project? well, let me tell you that also my young lad.  I liked the idea of using Charles Darwin, the father of evolution theory, to explain this project.  I wanted the artists to take my little sample (my monkey, so to say) and evolve it into something different and more complex (or make it into a man, more or less).  That's why it's The Darwin Project! (lame? maybe!)  Now, the most exciting thing about this project is that the first song relating to it is done, and it was done by one Evan Campbell (thank you Evan), and here's the video... , check it out, it's awesome, I'll keep posting who has songs done as they get finished (hopefully, most, if not all will have videos).  I can't wait to see what happens with it next!

Now a bit more about myself...  I'm a student, I'm a new vegetarian, I'm broke, I wouldn't say I'm an artist, but I dabble in the arts, primarily audio and visual.  My dabbling is why I want to be a film maker, I have many ideas for films I'd love to make someday and I have said a few of these in one of my past posts.  More or less I have a lot of ambitions and very little drive.  Will I ever make it as a film maker? who knows, but I want to give it a shot, I'm willing to take nearly any job I can land in the field though.  I like fucked up things, monsters, drug imagery, psychological things.  I like depth in my film and art, but I can also be a sucker for stupidity (I love the film Anchorman).  I generally dislike action films and despise super hero movies (with the exception of the rebooted Batman series), I usually dislike horror too, but there are exceptions there, like the Hellraiser films (at least the first few).  I'm fairly opinionated, but try to be open to new things and I'm generally willing to give things multiple second chances (especially if it's an interest of someone close to me).  I love music and listen to too much of it, I could easily write a music blog considering that I have studied it since I was 13.  Film is a bit new to me, bit it is definitely a passion and learning is my reason for doing this blog.  I have a beautiful, amazing, perfect, awesome girlfriend who means more to me than anyone will ever know, I owe her so much it's crazy.  I try to be deep, but I feel like I'm not too deep.  I want to get started writing a short story script, but something keeps on keeping me from it (I'll probably be too busy this summer to really do anything with it anyway).  I'm about to head off to University, I'll be going to Lincoln, so if you're there and somehow read this blog, let me know, we can chill.  I'm very introverted and don't make friends easily but I always want to talk to intelligent people who share some of my interests.  I don't know if I have a favorite director but I enjoy the works of Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, The Coen Brothers, Alfred Hitchcock and a few others a lot.  I have a HUGE HUGE HUGE soft spot for old movies, I don't care what type, I just love old Hollywood, everything seemed so much better back then (I especially love the old comedies, the stars could do EVERYTHING!).  I spent a lot of my time watching movies or playing music but I don't as much anymore.  I have an odd love and fascination with masks, and will probably attempt to incorporate masks into any films I attempt.  I love many different styles of music but I hate country.  As you know, I love monsters.  I think that's all you really need to know about me for now though, maybe I'll share a bit more as time goes on.

Okay, I'm going to go on to some other stuff, I think with this post I'm going to start giving you all one album recommendation and one movie recommendation per post (sound like a decent idea?).  For this post, one album you should definitely check out (if you haven't heard it already) is Seven Swans by Sufjan Stevens.  It's one of my favorite (if not my favorite) Sufjan Stevens album and is a religiously charged, poetic folk album.  It's super chill and has some of his best songs (at least in my opinion), it's wonderful from start to finish.  My movie recommendation for this post will keep with the seven title thing and be The Seventh Seal by Ingmar Bergman.  The joking tale of a knight who comes back from the crusades and gets into a game of chess with Death.  It's a classic of international cinema (it's Swedish so be prepared for that).  I looked back at my old Deviant Art account and realized I did this in my notes back then (which were like a much more pointless blog), so apparently I'm prone to this shit.  There are my recommendations for today though, now on to the next subject in this hodge podge of a post!!

So, this is hilarious, but also really REALLY lame, it was a bumper at SXSW and is Mario as an indie film... It COULD be a funny and interesting idea... if it didn't include so many lame game related jokes and puns, sort of ruins it... it's still pretty funny though.

Well, it looks like I'm gonna jump onto the movie stuff now (see, I got there you impatient droogs!).  I'm going to give you a brief summary of the movie studios! (I know you're so happy).  First off, by the 20s, the production companies became so big that they controlled everything from the production to the distribution to even the theaters and stars themselves.  This and the policies of the major studios led to the "studio system", there were 5 major studios and they were 20th Century Fox, RKO, Paramount, Warner Bros. and MGM.  RKO is no longer a company and MGM almost went under also. The three smaller studio companies, known as "The Little Three" are Universal, Columbia and United Artists.  These were considered little because they didn't own their own theaters.  These are not the only studios, there are minor studios and independent studios, however, they were always more lenient than the majors.

Anyway, I'm tired now, I'm sorry that I didn't give much information on this blog, I'll do better next time I swear!  It was nice chatting with you, have a great day. 


  1. Interesting post. Bummer you won't be at Iowa, but *ancient wise man voice* each must go his own way. *hands you a samurai sword*

    Really though, I like your random topic posts.

  2. thank you sensei *takes samurai sword* I will walk the noble and true path *slices wooden pole in two*

    but really, thanks
