Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Twenty-third Problem-- Like Jazz

So, I dunno what I'm going to talk about in this post so I think I'm just going to "riff" a bit and see what comes of it... take it if you will (and you probably won't), but here we go, some possibly quality shit coming at you (or a short pointless post that will make you wonder why your life is so horrible).

First off, this is pretty cool, if you're interested in attending film school and want to know what film schools are available to you in your state or area, check it out...
if it's helpful, that's awesome, if not then I'm sorry you clicked on the link, feel free to let me know...

This is an interesting story about an interesting sounding film with an interesting plot... apparently the film is about a mad plastic surgeon that turns his victim into a woman, it's called The Skin I Live In... apparently it did really well at Cannes too.

Here's another little thing about Cannes (and one that Chris may like), Lars Von Trier was kicked out of the festival for remarks he had made about being a Nazi and sympathizing with Adolf Hitler, he also stated that the next film he does will be a three hour long porn (most likely a joke), but there you go...,

Well, now it would just make sense if I talked a bit about the Cannes Film Festival.  It's the most prestigious film festival in the world and takes place in the Southern French town of Cannes (in case you were unsure).  It's held every year and usually in May, with a jury of film makers, actors and critics reviewing the films that are entered in the competition part of the festival.  There are various programs at the festival and it's broken down into sections.  The first of the sections is the Official Section, the films in this section are either put in competition, where they compete for the Palme d'Or, in Un Certain Regard which presents a lot of films with different styles to introduce them into the international spotlight.  There are out of competition films, which are not put up for a prize, there are special screenings, which are films that are matched to an specific environment.  There's cinéfondation, which are a selection of art school shorts and mid-length films.  Finally there are the short films competing for the Palme d'Or.

On top of the Official Section, there are also parallel sections that are not up for any rewards.  The sub-sections of this are, The Cannes Classics, which are older films celebrating the heritage of film, Tous les Cinémas du Monde, which showcases films from a specific country each day, Caméra d'Or, which celebrates first films and then Cinéma de la Plage, which are public showcasing of non-competition films and classics.

Finally are the awards at Cannes, the most prestigious being the Palme d'Or, which is awarded to the best film of the festival, there's also the Grand Prix, which is the grand prize of the festival, the Prix du Jury which is a Jury prize, the Palme d'Or du court métrage which goes to the best short film, the Prix d'interprétation féminine which goes to the best actress, the Prix d'interprétation masculine which goes to the best actor, the Prix de la mise en scene, which goes to the best director and the Prix du scénario going to the best screenplay.

Cannes was supposed to first take place in 1939, however, with the outbreak of WWII, it didn't actually begin until the war was over in 1946.  Cannes is currently being held this year and goes until the 22 of May.

Earlier I mentioned Chris, if you haven't checked his blog out do it...

Well, I think that's about it for tonight, I feel pretty sick and like I could pass out so I'll bid you adieu...


  1. Thanks for the shout out!

    Also, thanks for the good news on Trier! He would get kicked out of Cannes for being a douche. That's just his style, however, as bad as it is...I'd have a shit ton of respect for him if he made a 3 hour long porno starring two mainstream stars. However, if he made a porno it would most likely have a 45 minute intro in slow motion with black and white. And the whole thing would carry subtext expressing neo-conformists in a fight against the facist regime of Italian influenced Russian influenced underwater basket weavers or something equaly outlandish.

  2. I would still consider watching it, it couldN't be worse then a delivery boy showing up on a door step with a "package" haha

    Yeah, I saw one movie by him that I actually liked, too bad he's a Danish ass
