Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Twenty-sixth Chain-- Something's Missing

Howdy y'all, well this past weekend, I drove on down to Lincoln, Nebraska to check out the college/town. It actually seems like a pretty cool town (however, I dunno about the people there really). The college seems pretty sweet, their film school was funded by Johnny Carson and is located on the edge of downtown, between it and an art museum. They also have a really nice student theatre (that I had been to before to see Exit Through The Gift Shop). It seems like it would be a decent place to be (but really anywhere away from here would be a decent place to be). No matter where I end up, I'll be hopeful, excited, grateful for a change of scenery, and ready to start a life in movie making (hopefully not everyone there will be a close-minded prick, if you live or go there, tell me how it is).

Next, I must say, I'm very disappointed in myself. The short film script I was intending to write has not been happening. I've been stressed and distracted and everything else and haven't been able to write anything (yeah, writer's block). Anyway, after watching some films, I've thought of some more philosophy to write, I'll get back on track pretty soon I hope. I also hope that I will have it done to film it by the end of the summer (however, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it). I'm hoping that once it's finished it will be worth watching for all of you, I wanna do something quality (or at least as quality as I can manage with what I have).

Anyway, I'm keeping this one short, I'm tired, bye.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, we both made an Oiled Up Birds shout out in our post-Night of Rage and Justice posts. Great minds think alike. Also, I know it's late...and on the wrong post, but your Godzilla post rocked my socks. Honestly, awesome.
