Friday, May 13, 2011

The Twentieth Word-- Unlucky Bastards

Hey Hey y'all, it's Friday the 13th (not the horror movie)... and it's your unlucky day!!!  Why's that?  because I'm going to post another short comedy script for your viewing pleasure...


 (Open on a room full of people all talking and partying, the door opens in walks a man with long black hair, jeans, a black t-shirt.)
Ron: (in a deep gravely voice) Hey everybody
Everybody: Hey Ron!
(Ron spots a girl in the corner that he doesn’t know and moves over to her.)
Ron: (in a deep, indifferent voice) Hey, I’m Ron… who are you?
Shelley: (uninterested) Uhh… Hi, I’m Shelley…
Ron: (unchanged) So… what are you into?  I like Death Metal, and Doom Metal… and Thrash Metal and Black Metal… and Power Metal and Nu Metal… really any kind of metal… (short pause, thinking) aluminum, steel, iron… brass… nickel… PVC and various plastics… (short pause) really any building materials… brick… (Shelley leaves without Ron noticing) wood… wood’s always nice… concrete… stone, you know… (pauses to think) marble… limestone… granite… sandstone… monzonite… slate, you know… (pauses) diamond… uhhh…. (looks to where Shelley was) hey, where’d you go? (looks around and takes off)

sorry for that being so lame, I just wanted to get a post in on Friday the 13th... hate me if you want...

For some reason this interests me too...
apparently they're selling the car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (it actually runs) at an auction and Dick Van Dyke was the last to drive it... and look what else they're auctioning, pretty sick!

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