Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Twenty-fourth Mistake-- A Fond Farewell

Happy end of the world today, live it up, at 6PM we'll all be gone!

I wasn't going write an actual post today, because what would be the point right? but FUCK IT, I'll do it anyway, I keep finding cool things I wanna share!
ANYWAY... enjoy this...

First, I have no hope for the Captain America movie... BUT Hugo Weaving makes a bad ass looking Red Skull

Next, they're remaking the 1985 horror film Fright Night, it looks like it'll be a good one, it'll be on my list of upcoming films to see (hope I don't end up disappointed like A LOT of movies I really wanna see)

This horror film remake looks like it could be decent too (and I love Guillermo del Toro)... it's Don't Be Afraid of The Dark... (do I rely too much on imdb? maybe)...

They're also making a Tintin film which COULD be interesting (of course it's being done by Steven Spielberg, so who knows)

Have a good last day y'all, I'll be at work!

Also... on this fine fine apocalypse morning, you should listen to The King of Limbs by Radiohead if you have not, great feel good music to die to...
AND, if you're feeling it, watch Donnie Darko by Richard Kelley (yeah, probably cliched), but what goes better with the world ending than a six foot tall anthropomorphic rabbit trying to get a kid to stop the world ending? I mean c'mon!

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