Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Fourteenth Commandment-- The Clerks Guy (revised)

So, this is probably going to be a short post, mainly I'm only going to talk about a few things. I've spent the last few days watching Sold Out: A Threevening with Kevin Smith, and I kinda want to discuss the man (by the way, that DVD is actually hilarious and I'd recommend watching it). I also have a few other things to say, but let's get on with it shall we?

Okay... I assume you know who Kevin Smith is. If you don't then he is a classic comedy director of such hits as Clerks, Mallrats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and others. He is very iconic and his films generally have the same feel to them (he even has his own production company called View Askew Productions). I think Kevin Smith is a funny guy, I relate to him. He's an overweight comic book/film nerd who basically does what I want to do for a living. So I like Kevin Smith,  and his movies. I thought Mallrats was pretty funny and Zak and Miri Make A Porno was decent, Clerks was excellent, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Dogma were a bit iffy but still pretty good. Now he's doing a horror film called Red State that look interesting.  On top of that, his stand up is hilarious and informational about film making and I'd suggest watching it.

Kevin Smith is from New Jersey and studied film at The Vancouver Film School but dropped out half way through and took partial tuition reimbursement to fund the making of Clerks. I think that's pretty cool, he made it big with a deep and well recorded first film and did it all without completing film school. I mean, he got lucky that his first movie was so well recieved, but that's still pretty awesome to me (but maybe I'm just lame).

Clerks seems like a simple film at first but there is so much depth in it.  There is so much attention to detail, so much philosophy found in pop culture references, subtle and dry humor and outrageous discussions.  This movie has so much and, as someone who wants to do film, it's a very interesting film to watch.  Make sure to see it if you like Kevin Smith (but if you do, you've probably already seen it) or just because it's a great comedy.

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say about Mr. Smith. I've been thinking about my own short film that I will attempt soon, the pieces are coming together but there are still holes. Hopefully I'll have something for all of you soon (if you're interested in what I have to do). I'm feeling like a failure of sorts with my crazy amount of school work and everything, but I'm hoping doing this will help me (and I'll have something to show for college). That's all for now, good bye y'all!


  1. I LOVE Kevin Smith! I think he is great at filming the "common man" so to speak. When I watch his movies I hear the crazy conversations and I'm like, "Holy shit! I've HAD that conversation!" I think he is really good at knowing his audience because HE IS his audience. Also, I read in an interview that Red State would be his last film, if that true, huge bummer.

  2. yeah man, that'd be lame
    I dunno, his films have gone downhill a bit in my opinion, he needs to make another awesome, detailed film like Clerks again, not so gimmicky like Cop Out

  3. Holy shit. You took the works out of my mouth (fingers?). I couldn't agree MORE. He sorta needs to get back to his roots I think. I don't think he's wired as a filmmaker to make movies intended to be viewed by the public at large like "Cop Out". Also, at this point he has to have the money and the connections to make whatever he feels so, it's on him I guess.
